Hahahahahhaa! Hilarious!
Courtesy: http://wordsunspoken19.blogspot.in/
1. Poke Them
So, you discovered your friend is a teeny bit ticklish. What do you do? POKE THEM!! Because, it is good way to piss people off and it is FUN! :D
2. Doodle on THEIR register
What's new? Your friend's register! What will any innocent, sweet person do? YEP! You guessed it right! You'll ruin their register ^_^
Tips on how to ruin your friend's register:
Fill it with 'I love <insert crush's name &/or 'best friend's name'>
Fill it with random 'innocent' (if you know what I mean) words and phrases :P
Fill it with YOUR name
3. Stare At Them
Your friend started to talk about an extremely boring topic in a very monotonous tone. You want him/her to shut up. Best way to get them to shut up AND annoy them IS...
To stare at them. Just keep looking at them without blinking. They will falter. :D
4. Mess Up Their Hair
It is fun to play with people's hair. What's more fun? Messing up their hair!
You ask, 'Why?'
I say, 'Just because.'.
5. Draw ON them
Because, the world is your canvas. And so are they :D
6. Give Them Funny Nicknames
Even I have my share of embarrassing nicknames. Tiny, Lilliput, chutki, shorty etc are few of the many nicknames of mine.
So, that weird classmate started texting you. No problemo... STRT WRITING LYK DIS. Bet, it will SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF HIM. If he talks to you in person. SHOUT.
8. Smell
Mr. X starts talking to you. You don't like him.
What to do?
Start sniffing him. Sniff his shoulder. Or hair. Or whatever you like. He will probably get annoyed and just walk away.
9. Repeat What They Say
'This is a classic way to annoy someone.'
'This is a classic way to annoy someone.'
'No, really!'
'No, really!
10. Smell Your Feet
Yep! You read it right. Smell your feet. Actually, you know what is better than you smelling your feet in front of your friends. You ASKING THEM to smell your feet!
If at any point, you are slapped and/or punched and/or kicked for annoying people by using the above-mentioned methods. I bear no responsibility for that. Also, if you try to annoy ME using the above-mentioned methods, I promise that I will find you and I will kill you.
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